Sunday, 3 June 2012

Tips to getting the hairstyle that you want.

There are some easy steps that you can take to ensure you’re communicating exactly what type of haircut you want to your hairdresser. They aren’t mind readers after all so be specific,  give them  your ideas and listen to see if you’re both on the same page.    

Take a picture of what you want.
Do you want layers? How long do you want them?  Do you want them to be in proportion to the rest of your hair, not up to your ears if your hair is waist length?

Take a picture of what you don’t want.  If you don’t know what you want,  then tell them what you don’t want. Isn’t it much better to say ‘‘get away from me with that razor immediately!’’ than to say ‘’Why do I have rats tails?’’

Be realistic …If you have jet black hair, asking for platinum blonde may not be ideal. Or if you are time poor (like me) a style that needs one hour a day styling isn’t going to work.

Consider your lifestyle. Do you leave the house only after spending most of the morning straightening or blow waving? (No way!)  Do you prefer a quick dry off and then out the door (yep, that’s me!) but still with some sort of style?

Ideally these steps will get you one step closer to getting the hairstyle that‘s just perfect for you.  It may even remove your scissor phobia!

 If you’ve taken these steps and you still walk out looking like Carol Brady, then always remember that you’re not alone!  When this happens to me I go and  have a coffee, eat something delicious and go and buy something.  Perhaps you could  buy a hat or some leg warmers to shift  the attention away from your hair!

If you walked out looking foxy  and you  were  given exactly what you wanted then please please please let us know where you went, who did it and  what did they do?

Spread the word sista!

A x

Picture from

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